Quarter Turn Quilt
These dazzling designs are sure to mesmerize your eyes! Our latest collection of Quarter Turned blocks promises a stunning end result that's reminiscent of the patterns seen down the tubes of kaleidoscopes!
Bring back memories of twisting and turning the tube to create new and beautiful patterns by stitching these geometric folded fabric and applique designs and rotating them! Depending which way you Quarter Turn your blocks, each design will create one of two stunning displays. Tone down any child-like qualities by incorporating more neutral tones, or even coordinating colors with home decor. With all six of our Mix & Match quilting sizes to choose from, you can turn these beautiful blocks into a wall hanging, throw pillows, or even a bedspread for any room!
*** NOTE: This item is a digital download, including PDF tutorial and collection design files in all machine formats; it is not available on disc.