Beginning Ruler Work with Susan Gouge
A 3-Part Class
Thursdays October 5, 12, 19, 2023
1:00 – 3:00 PM
at Sewing Machines Express
3560 S Campbell Ave,
Springfield, MO 65807
(417) 886-1230
Educator: Susan Gouge
In this 3-Part class for Beginning Ruler Work, you will learn how to use the basic
Westalee/Sew Steady 6-Piece Ruler Work Sampler Set rulers, how to mark your blocks, how
the rulers and designs fit into your blocks and how to trouble shoot stitching problems.
Cost: $90 for 3 sessions plus supplies
Register online or at the store.
We look forward to you joining us for a fun class!
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Included Materials
This class cannot be purchased online. Please contact the store for more information.